Monday, August 27, 2007

Shameless Plug

Hey All Readers!

I just wanted to make a plug for MasonWiki.  I, along with many other hardworking Broadside Onliners, have been working to create a nifty wiki for the school and fill it with as much content as we can stand.  Well, now the wiki is "launching" and our small band needs to expand to pretty much the whole student population.  If we can get enough people to join up with this thing, we'll have a great resource for freshmen, students, parents, and the rest of the interested world.  Plus, we will effectively replace the Mason site and it's crazy web structure.

The wiki format is a cool AJAX format that helps reduce pageloads and increase awesomeness.  Please jump on the wagon with this one!  All you need to do is go to the wiki, look around some of the site (via the column on the right), and then register and make a new page about whatever it is that you think needs to be added.  Also, check out the wiki frequently, as others will be adding newer, cool stuff all the time.

Any questions?...Drop me a line via email or comment.  Also, I'm "loyaleagle" on the MasonWiki.  See you there!

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The content of this page is completely the creation and opinion of James Rogers. He is affiliated with Connect Mason and formerly Broadside Online but the relationship only governs republication, not content.

Further, in the interest of full disclosure, this author holds minor financial investments in Apple, Inc. and Advanced Micro Devices.